Shake Out
Earthquake is one of the most dangerous disaster in the world. This happen every year and kill thousand of people and destroy a lot of houses in the area where this disaster occur. So we need to ready when this disaster happen. An earthquake is an intense shaking of Earths Surface. The shaking is caused by movements in Earths Outermost layer. Earthquake are tend to be found closely to the edges of the tectonic plates so people in a country located there are mostly at risk, example is our country Philippines, we may be able to lose a thousand of life and a lot of houses. What should we do to reduce the risk of this natural disaster? We know that we can't stop or prevent earthquakes, but we have a lot of things to do to survive from this natural disaster. Just like follow the Before, During, and After an Earthquake. Before: Develop a family earthquake plan. Prepare yourself and your home by completing the activities on this checklist. Decide how and where your family will reunite if ...