New Normal

 Students, their parents and educators are feeling bad because of the effect of the coronavirus as schools are shutting down and quarantine methods are being ordered to cope with the global pandemic. While the governments and health officials are doing their best to protect us and looking for a cure for covid-19.

Education is no exemption. nowadays students supported by their parents in eager and able to learn. Studying thought online is more difficult because some students doesn't have a gadget or internet. There are children have an available computer immediately, while there are children whose parents still worry about where to get money to go online and rent a computer to online classes for their children.

According to our parents “Education is our Investment towards a better Future” . The elders say it is a unique treasure that no one can get and we will continue to benefit as long as we live. One way to look at it is to mix online classes and physical discussion within a classroom. But while the treat of coronavirus is still great, it is certain that the internet will play a big role in the first month of the new year. student like as must also find different ways to attend our classes online like borrowing the cell phone so that you will be present or asking students who are higher grade than you. we must focus on learning and not on playing mobile games like mobile legends and pubg mobile so that we have learn even its online class.

This pandemic is just a challenge to us.We must still do our best in our work and study hard. Let us help each other on preventing the coronavirus from spreading. I know we can get past this pandemic just trust our selves and pray in god.



  1. Hey Patricia, I like the way you have expressed your thoughts in this article. Moreover, I also like the way you wrote your conclusion. All in all, I can say that you have really outdone yourself in writing this composition this time.

  2. I like how simple your layout. Your choice of theme design is simple yet attractive. The image is relatable. Overall, the layout of your article was great.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The ideas and viewpoints was comprehensive and precise. The quality of education was truly far differ and became more consequential due to the crisis. The statements provided was informative, elaborated with coherence, precise and creative. We must be always determined, do our best, cooperate and strive.

  5. The designs you picked are simple and it really match to the article. Nice job!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your layout and theme design is simple but at the same time beautiful. Your background picture also increases the overall look of your background. You also have a good picture that is related to your blog and cited the reference. Good work!

  8. Hi! I like the way, you expressed your thoughts and opinion. I like how positive your conclusion is. Truly this pandemic is just a challenge to us. We have to be strong and work as one to surpass this pandemic.

    You have inserted a nice image and it is related to the topic, great job! I want to say that you have to edit your theme if you want, that way it will catch attention and more appealing to others, but it's up to you of course.

  9. Impressive! Your ideas are well-presented and your blog is well-structured. Continue spreading awareness. Stay safe and Godbless!

    1. I like your theme! Simple and it helps your readers to read your content properly. The image you added in your article also contributed in making us understand and easily identify your point. Proper citation is also observed. Great job, keep it up Patricia!

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  11. You did a great job in putting a nice picture that is related to your written article. Your layout is simply beautiful and you have a proper citation. Keep it up!


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