The Season of Lent

 Lent is a season of meditation and reflection. It’s a tip of 40 days, as we fly to Jerusalem with Jesus to be with him in his pain and death. This is a time when we reflect on how our sins helped bring chaos into the universe. I a way, It’s a good time because God gives us another chance to repent in fasting, meditation, abstinence and charity to make up for our sinfulness.

Important days during lent, Ash Wednesday marks the start of lent and the time for penance. Obligatory day of fasting (agest 18-59) and abstinence (ages 14 and over). Friday of lent obligatory abstinence (ages 14 and over). All Friday (even outside of lent) are days of penance , Holy Thursday lent ends and the holy Triduim begins in the evening with the commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist at the Last supper. Good Friday the anniversary of the crucifixion of Christ (no mass). Obligatory day of fasting (ages 18-59) and abstinence (ages 14 and over). Holy Saturday Christ is in the grave conquering death and freeing the captives. Final day of Lenten fasting (no daily mass Easter Virgil begins at sundown). Easter Sunday Lent has ended and the joy begins.

This year the Lenten season is not the same as the past years because of the pandemic happening in the world but it’s fine as long as we are all safe and good.


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